Presentation Programmation & distribution Video


Weaving space


Networks and representations are at the heart of Web Studies. Conceived by four hands, this piece implements a singular mode of creation, taking into account the new image technologies as well as architectural forms and design that are appearing in our cities of the third millennium. The music of Clara Maïda and the 3D video of Jenny E. Sabin are meant to give the illusion that the extension of string instruments, in interaction with time, creates a network of threads in space.



Duration / 1 h 00

Coproduction 2e2m, Festival Eclat. 

Clara Maïda / Jenny E. Sabin

Web studies

with the support for writing new original musical works
piano, harp, violin, viola, electroacoustic and 3D video

Pierre Roullier conductor


Saturday 4 february 2017 / Stuttgart / 0 h 00

Eclat Festival


---- Stuttgart

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