Born in Lebanon in 1967, Zad Moultaka began studying music when he was very young. He completed his piano studies at the National Music School in Beirut in 1984 and settled in Paris the same year to work with Marie-Madeleine Petit and Pierre Sancan. Two years later, he entered at the CNSMP the classes of Aldo Ciccolini, Bruno Rigutto, Marie-Francoise Buquet and Christian Ivaldi.

After a concert-performer career and various piano first prizes, in 1993, Zad Moultaka deliberately terminated his career as an international soloist, in order to devote all his time to composition. He seeks to integrate fundamental contemporary composition notions to the specific characteristics of Arabic music, a research that borders on many fields of experimentation…
A slow process of maturation of a form of expression has resulted, since 2003, in a series of works of progressively amplified production. From choral works to ensemble music, from chamber music to solo vocal music, from sound installations to choreography… Today, Zad Moultaka’s catalogue features around a hundred works.


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    COUR & JARDIN • Trio 2E


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