Presentation Programmation & distribution Video


Yesterday’s glory is today’s dream


AOI is a superb refutation for those who still think that noh theatre has remained ossified in a centuries-old tradition that cannot be touched without altering it. This 'Nohpera', on a libretto by Zeami (14th century), falling within the post-punk modernity of the heta-uma movement, is a hybrid object that resonates with issues that are still topical: love, the competition between heart and reason, rivalry, jealousy, humiliation, vengeance and the despair of disenchanted youth. Between traditional noh, dance and contemporary music, composer Noriko Baba (1972) and choreographer Mié Coquempot (1971) have reinvented this masterpiece in which all the art, subtlety and intelligence of Ryoko Aoki appear in dazzling fashion. 


Duration / 1 h 00

Production 2e2m / Coproduction Le Manège de Reims - Scène Nationale, K622 / With the support of FCL, Fonds de création lyrique et de la SPEDIDAM / Residence at L’Avant- Scène Cognac, Scène conventionnée danse and creative residence at la Comédie de Reims, Centre dramatique national and at Manège de Reims,  in conjunction with Opéra de Reims / Thanks to CND, Pantin for provision of studios.

Noriko Baba


with the support for writing new original musical works

Mié Coquempot

stage direction & choreography   

Pierre Roullier


Yoshikazu Yamagata

Ryoko Aoki's costume  

Ryoko Aoki nô performer

Linda Edsjö, Cyril Hernandez performers


Akiko Takebayashi other costumes

Jérôme Andrieu direction assistant & video creation

Sylvie Garot light design

Christophe Poux stage management


Friday 25 november 2016 / Reims / 20 h 30

Le Manège de Reims, Scène Nationale

2 Bd Général Leclerc

51100 Reims


16 / 23 euros
Booking +33 (0)3 26 47 30 40 /

Wednesday 30 november 2016 / Orléans / 20 h 30

Théâtre d’Orléans, Scène Nationale

Boulevard Pierre Ségelle

45000 Orléans


20 / 25 euros hors abonnement 13 / 18 euros avec abonnement 

Booking +33 (0)2 38 62 75 30 /

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