Presentation Programmation & distribution Video


Although the word 'sacred' is related to the word Sanskrit, it also comes from the Latin sacer. To be sacred is to be put outside the world, and it immediately brings other terms to mind: secret, mystery, closure... We do not hear an obvious resonance with the verb 'to open', so there would thus be another one, irreducible to factual presence. A question appears: how does one make this Presence - to take up poet Yves Bonnefoy's capital letter - come about musically? The East seems to have a more direct relation to the sacred than the West. This encounter between remarkable personalities will allow for broaching this question, which is so important to Zad Moultaka.



Duration / 1 h 00

Coproduction 2e2m, Institut du Monde Arabe.


Musical interlude

Zad Moultaka

Neb Ankh

soprano & recording

-- Moderator

Catherine Peillon author, photographer & editor


Zad Moultaka composer

Corinne Schneider musicologist

Eric Geoffroy specialist of Islam & writer


Amel Brahim-Djelloul soprano


Thursday 19 january 2017 / Paris / 18 h 30

Arab World Institute

1 rue des Fossés-Saint-Bernard

Place Mohammed-V

75005 Paris

M7 Jussieu / M0 Cardinal Lemoine


Free admission subject to availability

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