Presentation Programmation & distribution Video

Uncontested master of the cine-concert, Martin Matalon sets to music a marvel of humor by Ernst Lubitsch, The Oyster Princess. On a hectic pace, the film director paints a burlesque and sparkling satire of the American bourgeoisie of the early 20th century.


Duration / 1 h 00

Production 2e2m. With support from Val-de-Marne Department and Conservatoire à rayonnement régional de Paris. Thanks to Conservatoire Edgar-Varèse-Gennevilliers, CRR 93-Aubervilliers-La Courneuve and de La Muse en Circuit, Centre national de création musicale and Henri Selmer Paris.




Ernst Lubitsch

The Oyster Princess

Germany, 1919




Martin Matalon

Foxtrot Délirium

ensemble & electronics

Martin Matalon - conductor


Jean-Philippe Grometto - flute

Juliette Adam - clarinet

Alain-David Valckenaere - bassoon

Laurent Bômont - trumpet

Jules Boittin - trombone

Patrice Petitdidier - horn

Alain Huteau, Eve Payeur - percussions

Fuminori Tanada - piano

Marion Lénart - harp

Catherine Jacquet - violin

David Simpson - cello


Tuesday 14 january 2020 / Paris / 19 h 30

CRR de Paris • Auditorium Marcel Landowski

14 rue de Madrid

75008 Paris

M3 Europe

Free entrance


● +33 (0)1 47 06 17 76


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