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Records | Ensemble 2e2m

Isang Yun

Isang Yun

Musik für sieben instrumente (1959)

Königliches Thema (1976)

Distanzen (1988)

Kammerkonzert I (1990)

Kammerkonzert II (1990)

5 diapasons live recording 1990 par Radio France production 2e2m, Radio France with the support of Goethe Institut.

ensemble 2e2m orchestre

Paul Méfano conductor (1,3,4,5)

Serge Garcia violin (2)




Duration / 67'

Parution / 1997

Editor / 2e2m collection

Ref. / 2e2m 1010

Price / 11.00 €

Legal notes ©2e2m 2014