Presentation Programmation & distribution Video

Mutations / Créations 3 

Beyond the continuum, the possibilities of hybridization for a new sound ecology are a sign of the amazing wonders dreamed by Michel de Montaigne, maybe unconsciously.

"The engineer fixes the weight of the wind, counts the clouds in the sky and distributes the water in measurement".

Duration / 0 h 40

Coproduction 2e2m, Ircam/Les Spectacles vivants-Centre Pompidou.

With support from SPEDIDAM.

Mauro Lanza / Andrea Valle

Regnum Lapideum

ensemble and sound objects

Mauro Lanza

Le nubi non scoppiano per il peso

soprano, ensemble, drops of water and electronics

Svea Schildknecht soprano

Pierre Roullier conductor

L’Ircam computer technology


Wednesday 20 february 2019 / Paris / 20 h 30

Centre Georges Pompidou

Place Georges-Pompidou

75004 Paris

From €14 to €18

> Booking <


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